
Lady Gaga and Polaroid

Recently one of the biggest Pop Stars in the world Lady Gaga introduced a brand new product from Polaroid - sun glasses enabled to take pictures and store them in installed memory drive, portable printer (you can carry it in your purse according to Lady Gaga) and new Polaroid camera.
Being as an icon and a role model for millions of people all over the world she is able to give a new boost for Polaroid products. Also she became the Polaroid Creative Director. Being glamorous and a fashion icon she's expected to deliver outstanding performance creating new Polaroid products. This just leads me to a question whether glamour and not always acceptable sense of style (can't doubt the originality) will benefit this product? Or photography is becoming just a stylish hobby, or having lets say this Lady Gagas Camera will make one feel closer to "real" fashionista? Baring in mind that with digital technologies overtaking media world, there are more and more people who can afford and have some spare time for photography. It's becoming more difficult to compete or come up with new great ideas. Competition most of the time is very good for creativity, but isn't it becoming a "rat race"?
Being very talented no doubt, Lady Gaga is also known as a philanthropist responsible for numerous charities and humanitarian works. Her contribution in many fields is noticeable and lets just hope that her involvement with Polaroid will restore this brand along with the quality known for years.

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