
The Ninth Floor by Jessica Dimmock

I came across to Jessica Dimmocks work the Ninth Floor while searching for Visual Analysis of an Image essay for the first semester. I found this work very strong, shocking, it made me stop and think about many issues of life we live nowadays, that’s why I decided to share it in my blog.

Jessica Dimmock (born 1978) is an American documentary photojournalist. Her main work The Ninth Floor is series of images taken in a drug addicts shared flat in Manhattan, New York.

Jessica Dimmock, The Ninth Floor, 2006, New York

It took three years of intense documentation of around 20 to 30 heroin addicts. The series includes images of everyday life in the apartment, also a video where subjects are talking about themselves and the lifestyle they were drawn into. The age of subjects in whole series is frightening, most of them are young people and not necessary with a bad background or difficult childhood. The images are full of social and emotional perspective. To my opinion these type of projects has a very important meaning and message to a viewer, it makes people think twice what is going on, what impact it has and how serious the damage might be.

Jessica Dimmock, The Ninth Floor, 2006, New York



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